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Research on Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural E-Commerce Development in Heilongjiang

E-Commerce Letters (ECL) , 2012, DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2012.12004


Agricultural products e-commerce is a business model through the resources of the network platform grafting a variety of services in rural areas, expansion of rural services. Is the use of the Internet, computers, multimedia and other modern information technology in agricultural production and processing and distribution of the sales process, the full import of e-commerce system, complete the online product or service to buy, sell and electronic payment business process. Heilongjiang is a major agricultural province and an important national commodity grain base, high rate of agricultural commodities, select the appropriate e-commerce model of agricultural products is an effective way to promote the circulation of agricultural products. In this paper, the concept of e-commerce of agricultural products is determined, the status of agricultural e-commerce development in Heilongjiang Province, the main mode and the system resistance factor, that the Heilongjiang agricultural e-commerce infrastructure is relatively weak, can open up a huge space, on this basis on the corresponding countermeasures on development of the agricultural products of e-commerce.


Research on Image Pretreatment Technique in Recognition of Handwritten Number

, 国为
Computer Science and Application (CSA) , 2016, DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2016.66040
Abstract: 预处理是手写数字识别中重要的一步,处理结果的优劣直接影响到识别结果的正确与否,直接影响到识别算法的性能。本文主要讨论手写体数字图像的预处理过程,在所用的MNIST库上进行实验,效果良好。
Pretreatment is a vital step in recognition of handwritten numerals. The merits of the processing directly affect the result of recognition and the recognition performance of the algorithm. In this paper, pretreatment process for image is discussed and it shows a good result on the database of MNIST.
强n-Gorenstein FC-投射模
Strongly n-Gorenstein FC-Projective Modules

Pure Mathematics (PM) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/PM.2020.1010114
引入了强n-Gorenstein FC-投射模,给出了强n-Gorenstein FC-投射模的一些性质,证明了对任意模M和非负整数n,R-模M的Gorenstein FC-投射维数不超过n当且仅当M是强n-Gorenstein FC-投射模的直和因子时。
In this paper, strongly n-Gorenstein FC-projective modules are introduced, some properties of them are presented. For arbitrary module M and nonnegative integral number n, the Gorenstein FC-projective dimensions of M are not larger than n if and only if M is direct summand of a strongly n-Gorenstein FC-Projective module.
Analysis on the Causes and Prevention Strategies of Green Bond Credit Risk

Sustainable Development (SD) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/SD.2020.105091

In recent years, China has paid more and more attention to environmental protection and ecosys-tem development. As a financing tool of green projects, green bonds play an important role in the development of China’s economic society and ecological environment. Credit risk is the most critical risk in green bond investment. It is necessary to study its causes and prevention strategies to protect the interests of green bond investors and promote the healthy development of green bond. Due to the “green” characteristics of green bonds, the sources of credit risk include not only the common risk sources with common bonds, but also the unique green project risks and natural en-vironment risks, which should be the focus of credit risk prevention. At present, there are still some problems in China’s green bond market, such as imperfect information disclosure mechanism, inconsistent third-party certification standards, inaccurate environmental performance evaluation and lack of qualified investors. In view of the above problems, China must take timely measures to improve, in order to prevent the loopholes of green bond credit risk increasing. Therefore, China should establish a systematic environmental benefit evaluation standard and establish a green bond risk prevention and early warning mechanism. At the same time, bond issuing enterprises and investors should also take necessary measures to prevent the credit risk of green bonds from the three levels of the state, debt issuing entites and investors.


煤炭工程 , 2010,
Abstract: 工程量清单计价模式的实施,给工程审计工作提出了更高的要求,本文阐述了清单计价模式的特点,介绍了在清单计价模式下,项目建设不同阶段工程审计工作的难点,并提出了相应的对策。最后展望了清单规范下的工程审计工作。

植物遗传资源学报 , 2011,
Abstract: 该论文利用分子生物学中常用的DNA分子标记对世界各地现存的野生和栽培的啤酒花种质资源遗传多样性研究的应用进展做一综述。通过查阅和研读20世纪90年代以来发表的各类文献进行归纳总结。发现DNA分子标记相比形态学标记和细胞学标记具有结果准确、稳定的特点,常用的分子标记技术有RAPD、RFLP、ISSR、SSR、AFLP、EST等;研究发现北美洲的啤酒花遗传多样性要高于欧洲的啤酒花,基因变异程度也相对较高;野生啤酒花的基因序列具有丰富的基因多样性,可在分子杂交遗传育种中作为一个种质去改善栽培品种的某些不良性状。因此,利用分子标记研究啤酒花的遗传多样性将对啤酒花的优良育种提供理论指导和技术支持,目前较为理想的技术是SSR和AFLP。

浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) , 2004,
Abstract: ?中国城乡社会保障制度在保障模式、管理体制及保障水平等方面存在着巨大差异,其结构严重失衡,功能严重扭曲.而导致城乡社会保障制度结构失衡及功能扭曲的根源,在于中国的社会保障制度产生于计划经济体制的基础上,且与社会生产系统紧密结合,无法在城乡之间发挥再分配的调节作用.中国现行社会保障制度不但不能适应经济改革的需要,反而对社会经济的全面发展具有严重的负面影响,因此,现行中国社会保障制度迫切需要统筹城乡改革.当前城市社会保障制度改革的重点,在于优化和调整社会保障项目,适时控制社会保障水平;农村社会保障工作的重点在于加强制度建设,提高社会保障水平.

科技进步与对策 , 2011,
Abstract: 构建知识链是组织获取外部知识、培育自身核心竞争力的有效途径。然而,作为一种合作组织,知识链的管理相当复杂。在回顾知识链研究现状的基础上,从简化知识链管理出发,提出应用关键路径法识别知识链管理重点,并对关键路径法及其在知识链管理中的应用作了深入分析。知识链合作组织关键路径法

科技进步与对策 , 2009,
Abstract: 在知识经济和网络经济时代,组织间的知识合作(知识链)变得越来越重要。然而,由于合作组织间和知识本身的一些特性,组织间知识链存在很多风险。为此,首先阐述了组织间知识链存在的各种风险;其次,给出了针对组织间知识链风险的调查问卷结果,并分别运用普通的频数分析法和多响应变量分析法对这一调查结果作了统计分析,得出不同风险的相对重要性。最后,通过对两种方法所得结果的比较,指出多响应变量分析法的优点。知识链风险评估多响应变量分析

图书馆工作与研究 , 2014,
Abstract: ?文章以青海部分民族自治州少数民族中学生阅读调查的数据为例,对西部欠发达地区少数民族中学生的阅读环境、阅读危机的具体表现进行分析,提出从根本上改变西部欠发达地区少数民族学生阅读现状的策略,即政府应以财政补贴的方式将中小学生阅读纳入国家义务教育体制中,构建民族中学校本阅读机制,并通过建立和完善相应的阅读管理体制,促进西部欠发达地区少数民族学生双语阅读能力的提升和阅读习惯的形成。

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